World Class Math Instruction Your Children Will Love!
World Class Math Instruction Your Children Will Love!
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the relationship of RSM-MetroWest to other RSM branches?
RSM-MetroWest is an affiliate of the Russian School of Mathematics (RSM), based in Newton. This means that we share the same methodology and use the RSM curriculum. Tuition is the same across all branches. The school calendar is the same, however, class schedules are made independently and vary from school to school, Teachers are dedicated to each individual branch.
What is the relationship of RSM-MetroWest to the Advanced Math and Science Academy Charter School in Marlborough?
There is no administrative relationship of any kind. Initially, RSM-MetroWest was founded by the same group of enthusiasts who co-founded AMSA. One of these founders, Dr. Anna Charny, remains the director of RSM-MetroWest and continues to oversee its academics.
What is the difference between the RSM-MetroWest program and Kumon?
Kumon places a heavy emphasis on practice and mastery of the basic mathematical tools and operations. While we do believe this is of fundamental importance, we also strongly believe in fostering mental agility, out-of-the-box thinking, and exposure to unusual problems. Our program targets these goals starting from an early age, as we encourage our students to become creative mathematical thinkers. We do, of course, also ensure that our students achieve mastery of basic arithmetic tools and operations. Unlike Kumon, the RSM-MetroWest curriculum introduces algebraic terminology and pre-algebra right along with arithmetic, building a secure foundation for algebra throughout the early grades. We incorporate substantial geometry into the early curriculum as well. In these ways, students are well prepared for higher-level mathematics.
How is the RSM-MetroWest curriculum different from a traditional public or private school curriculum?
Different public schools have different curricula and different levels of success in teaching mathematics, as demonstrated by standardized testing. Therefore, it is difficult to provide a fair comparison that is universally true. While our curriculum is consistent with Massachusetts curriculum frameworks, our key differentiators are in the early introduction of algebra and, a heavy emphasis on logical reasoning and out-of-the-box thinking, in combination with steady training of fundamental math skills and tools. We also place substantial emphasis on word problems and on developing the ability to generalize. Our program includes three whole years of geometry study in middle school, whereas most public or private schools offer only one year of geometry in high school. Our students come to RSM-MetroWest from a wide variety of public, private, and home schools in the extended MetroWest area.
How old must my child be to enroll?
As a rule, the child must be at least 5 by September of the year he/she is enrolling into our program.
Do we need a placement test to enroll?
Yes, we require a placement test for all Math Classes. The only exceptions are for Kindergarten (for children 5 years old and above) and New Level 1 classes at the start of the school year. Even for Kindergarten and New Level 1 classes, a placement test is required if a child is enrolling after the first 6 weeks of classes.
Can my child attend a trial class at RSM-MetroWest before I commit to enrollment?
Generally, we prefer to trust the results of the placement evaluation and let our experience guide the selection of the most appropriate class. However, in special cases, it is sometimes necessary to allow a child to experience the classroom environment. In these circumstances our policy is as follows: If your child audits a class and it does not work out, then we will not charge for that class. However, if you do decide to enroll, then we will count that trial class as your child’s 1st class, and your account will be charged accordingly. More details can be found on our “Policies and Procedures” webpage.
Can we start attending RSM-MetroWest at any time during the year?
Yes, if space is available. You need to schedule a placement test to determine the class level.
How big are your classes at RSM-MetroWest?
Our classes are capped at 16-17 students. The minimum class size if 5 students.
What facilities do you have?
We have a lovely, spacious building in the heart of Framingham’s Historic District with bright classrooms, ample free parking, and parent waiting for areas equipped with free Internet and a few toys for quiet play. We also have an enormous chess set!
What can I do nearby while my child is in class?
We are in the heart of Framingham, right near the Common – home to summer concerts and a weekly farmer’s market. RSM-MetroWest is one block from Route 9, where you will find numerous supermarkets, restaurants, and stores in the immediate vicinity. Natick Collection, several other plazas, and many major chain stores are within just a few miles.
How does RSM-MetroWest get young children to concentrate on a two-hour math class?
We start with about an hour of interactive learning, followed by a brief recess, then more teaching, and often conclude with lively math games or team competitions. Children are engaged and happy in our classrooms, and the two hours fly fast.
Is your curriculum the same as our child’s regular school curriculum?
No, our curriculum is not the same, but it covers all the major topics offered in public and private schools and meets or exceeds the SAT, AP and ISEE tests requirements.
My child is going to take the SAT this year. Do you have an SAT preparation course?
Yes. Please check our schedule for the up-to-date information.
My child forgot the homework assignment. How can we get it?
Please contact the teacher directly to have assignments mailed to your home, or, you can arrange to pick up material at our office.
My child missed a class. Can you send his homework? Do you provide make-up classes?
HW assignments are emailed to those who missed a class automatically. If you do not receive your child’s homework within 24 hours of the missed class, please contact your teacher directly, or email:
We do not provide make-up classes. Instead, we offer free Homework Help sessions where your child can get help on any missed material.
We will be away for a few weeks in the middle of the school year. Can my child return to the same class?
If your child is going to miss a few classes, you need to discuss this with his/her teacher.
Do you provide financial aid?
Yes, in some cases. Please contact to schedule a time to discuss your specific situation.
Do you provide private tutoring?
Yes, we do provide private and semi-private tutoring. Our tutoring resources are limited and we focus primarily on the needs of our students who need help in catching up with a class or could benefit from some extra help. We also provide tutoring services to students outside of our mainstream program, however, this is subject to room and teacher availability.

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If you did not find an answer to your question, please e-mail us at