World Class Math Instruction Your Children Will Love!
World Class Math Instruction Your Children Will Love!
Our Programs
RSM-MetroWest offers top-quality instruction in mathematics for children grades Pre-K through 12. In addition to math classes, RSM students can participate in Math Olympiads for Elementary and Middle Schools(MOEMS) preparation teams and SAT preparation workshops.
Mathematics for Grades Per-K trough 12
We accept children of all levels. Once admitted, we arrange classes by level, according to the placement tests initially, and subsequently based on the results of our regular assessments. We help those who struggle with math feel more confident in their abilities and more comfortable in their regular school. Those who were “OK” in math but considered it rather boring, we hope will find out that math is exciting and beautiful. We will give them a chance to excel, to try a taste of logic puzzles, math competitions and in general intellectual fun. Those who are doing well in math class and believe that they do not need additional training will be challenged to their capacity and will be given a chance to shine in national competitions.
Keep Advancing in Math this Summer
Our Summer School Program is a great way for new students to become familiar with our approach and prepare for our full-year programs. The summer program is also great for students looking for an extra edge or an exciting new challenge.
Math Challenge
Math Challenge Class is offered as a 12 session program in summer. This class provides an opportunity to cover a number of advanced topics for which there is usually no time in the mainstream curriculum. In addition, the class offers a variety of unusual problems, including those drawn from two decades of math competitions all over the world. Math Challenge classes are offered at three levels: lower elementary, upper elementary, and middle school. The class content is developed new for each session to make sure students can take it in subsequent years if desired.
SAT I Math Preparation
RSM-MetroWest offers this intensive course to high school students. It includes complete preparation for the current SAT I Math section, including theory, problem-solving technique, and extensive practice. >>> More…
Our Programs
Elementary School Program
Building service contractors have a large and direct impact on the business that takes place inside the Our elementary school program is designed to expose kids to concepts they rarely see in their regular programs, introducing algebra as early as kindergarten and first grade! Early exposure to algebra and logic problems is proven to accelerate cognitive development. As we help our students build critical thinking skills and approach problem solving with confidence, they learn to love math rather than fear it.
Middle School Program
The road to college starts in middle school. This is the time to lay a solid foundation in algebra and geometry, from which students can build the higher-level math skills sought by the best colleges. Children who start our program earliest get furthest ahead.
High School Program
Building service contractors have a large and direct impact on the business that takes place inside the Our elementary school program is designed to expose kids to concepts they rarely see in their regular programs, introducing algebra as early as kindergarten and first grade! Early exposure to algebra and logic problems is proven to accelerate cognitive development. As we help our students build critical thinking skills and approach problem solving with confidence, they learn to love math rather than fear it.
Summer School Programs
Summer is an excellent time to advance your child’s academic skills. We offer a wide range of options to do so in a pleasant and intellectually challenging setting. Check us out to see why hundreds of children come to us every summer and stay for years!
Summer SAT preparation class would be a great help for those students who are considering applying to JHU CTY next January. We highly recommend taking advantage of this opportunity to strengthen your SAT taking skills without the stress and the load of extra work during the school year.