World Class Math Instruction Your Children Will Love!
World Class Math Instruction Your Children Will Love!
Welcome back to the 2024-25 Puzzle Season!
Congratulation to Winners of our Puzzle Contest #1!
Here is our Halloween Puzzle Contests #2! Submission deadline is November 11th. Enjoy!
Here are solutions to Puzzle Contest #1.
Rules of Contests
We offer 4-5 contests per year. Each contest is graded individually, and then at the end of the
Winners are selected by grade level (i.e. there are separate winners from grade 2 and grade 3 even though they are offered the same contest).
It is important that contestants show their solutions. A correct answer without an explanation is awarded 50% of the possible points. Only a correct answer with correct explanation will lead to a 100% score. Partial explanations result in partial scores.
Note: only MWSM students and their relatives are eligible for the prizes – although of course, everyone is welcome to send solutions.
About Our Own Puzzle Contests
Puzzles help train out-of-the-box thinking and keep up interest in math. They frequently tie together many unrelated things children learn in the regular program, and most certainly they train logic.
Our Puzzle Contests have been run since 2005. Join us and enjoy!
Puzzle us!
Our puzzles come from a variety of sources – old books, old memories, old and new friends – and many of our own making.
We always welcome new additions – so if you know of good ones – please send them our way to